January 26, 2025 Mr. Witman Robotics Qualifying: Four Marlborough Teams Advance to Regional Championship All five teams participated in their qualifying tournament, racking up awards in Robot Game and Judged Categories STEM Robotics
December 21, 2024 Mr. Witman Robotics League Recap: Stratus Wins League Championship Robo Alums show up in force at the final League Meet of the season. STEM Robotics
May 31, 2024 Dr. Kessner Computer Science Projects 2023-24 Marlborough's computer science students have completed some awesome software projects this year! Coding STEM+
April 22, 2024 Ms. Crowley and Mr. Witman Curiosity Robotics World Championship Update Curiosity represents SoCal at the FTC Championship in Houston STEM Robotics Worlds Houston
April 15, 2024 Team Curiosity Curiosity Meets with FIRST Founder Dean Kamen Team Curiosity meets with Dean Kamen, a renowned inventor and founder of FIRST Robotics Robotics Dean Kamen FIRST
March 14, 2024 Mr. Witman Robotics Teams Reaching Out! Marlborough Robotics reaches out and shares wisdom with the local community. Robotics
March 9, 2024 Mr. Witman Robotics Championship Update: Curiosity REPEAT as SoCal Champs Stratus and Curiosity travel to Monrovia and win accolades at the SoCal Regional Championship STEM Robotics
February 3, 2024 Mr. Witman Robotics Qualifying: Stratus & Curiosity Advance to Regional Championship All six teams participated in their qualifying tournament, racking up awards in Robot Game and Judged Categories STEM Robotics
December 31, 2023 Dr. Kessner ASDC 2023 Students in Honors Computer Science Projects created video projections for the All School Dance Concert. STEM+ Computer Science
October 18, 2023 Mr. Witman Robotic Surgery with Dr. Emerson The Marlbots hosted a pushing perspectives with Dr. Dominic Emerson, a robotic surgery expert who performed the first robotic assisted, minimally invasive lung transplant. Robotics
May 30, 2023 Dr. Kessner World History Visual Narratives 2023 Students in Dr. Lynch's Modern World History created web-based visual novels for their final projects. STEM+
May 30, 2023 Dr. Kessner STEM Arts & Crafts 2023 It's the end of the school year -- time to have some fun with mathematical arts and crafts! STEM+
April 27, 2023 Dr. Kessner Computer Science Projects 2022-23 Marlborough's computer science students have completed some awesome software projects this year! Coding STEM+
April 23, 2023 Mr. Witman Curiosity Robotics World Championship Update Curiosity represents SoCal at the FTC Championship in Houston STEM Robotics Worlds Houston
March 14, 2023 Mr. Witman Robotics Teams Reaching Out! The Robotics Program's outreach efforts are in full swing this season. Robotics
March 11, 2023 Mr. Witman Robotics Championship Update: Curiosity Advances to World Championship Marlbots and Curiosity travel to Monrovia and win accolades at the SoCal Regional Championship STEM Robotics
March 8, 2023 Mr. Witman Gillian Jacobs talks 'More than Robots' The Marlbots sit down with Gillian Jacobs, director of the Disney+ film "More than Robots" Robotics
March 3, 2023 Mr. Witman AI at the California Club Marlborough students hear from a panel of AI experts at the California Club AI California Club
February 26, 2023 Mr. Witman Robotics Qualifying: Marlbots & Curiosity Advance to Regional Championship All five teams participated in their qualifying tournament, racking up awards in Robot Game and Judged Categories STEM Robotics
January 21, 2023 Mr. Witman / Dr. Kessner Robotics 2022-23 Meet 3 League Meet 3! More robotics! Marlborough teams are ready to go! Robotics
December 15, 2022 Mr. Witman Coding Algorithmic Art Computer Programming I students close out the year with computer generated art inspired by real-world abstract artists. STEM Coding Programming Art
December 14, 2022 Mr. Witman Festive Fabricators The CEI Fabricators run a workshop to create personalized snowflake ornaments with the Glowforge laser cutter. STEM Fabricators Laser Cutter Glowforge
December 3, 2022 Mr. Witman / Dr. Kessner Computer Science Education Week The students of Code Violet are hosting a week of fun coding activities! Coding STEM+
December 3, 2022 Mr. Witman / Dr. Kessner Robotics 2022-23 Meet 1 League Meet 1! More robotics! Marlborough teams are ready to go! Robotics
November 12, 2022 Mr. Witman / Dr. Kessner Robotics 2022-23 Meet 0 First robotics league meet of the 2022-23 season! Marlborough teams are ready to go! Robotics
November 9, 2022 Dr. Kessner Creating with Math and Code PCHA Students combine math, coding, and creativity to create art! STEM Coding
November 4, 2022 Mr. Witman Robotics at XPrize Finals Marlborough teams staffed the FIRST Robotics booth and experienced cutting edge robotics technology at the Avatar XPRIZE finals in Long Beach STEM Robotics XPRIZE Avatar
September 30, 2022 Dr. Kessner Students code at the first Code Violet meeting Code Violet students kicked off the school year with their first coding meeting! Coding STEM+
September 10, 2022 Mr. Witman Robotics Kickoff and Surgical Robots! The season officially kicks off with the game reveal and a demo of surgical robots at City of Hope Hospital. STEM Robotics City of Hope Surgical Robots
June 28, 2022 Dr. Kessner Global Forum on Girls' Education Dr. Kessner presents Open Educational Resources at the ICGS Global Forum on Girls' Education in Boston. STEM+
May 25, 2022 Dr. Kessner and Mr. Witman Robotics Celebration 2022 Robotics students celebrate with an end-of-year robotics tournament - Second Tech Challenge! Robotics STEM+
May 20, 2022 Dr. Kessner World History Visual Narratives Students in Dr. Lynch's Modern World History created web-based visual novels for their final projects. STEM+
May 19, 2022 Dr. Kessner STEM Arts & Crafts It's the end of the school year -- time to have some fun with mathematical arts and crafts! STEM+
April 28, 2022 Dr. Kessner Computer Science Projects 2021-22 Marlborough's computer science students are back in person this year, with some amazing projects! Coding STEM+
April 1, 2022 Dr. Kessner NCWIT Aspirations Award in Computing Marlborough coding students win the NCWIT Aspirations Award in Computing! Coding STEM+
March 25, 2022 Dr. Kessner Calculus + Creativity = 3D Art Multivariable calculus students used their skills to create 3D interactive models. STEM
March 12, 2022 Mr. Witman Robotics Championship Update: Marlbots & Curiosity Win Accolades Marlbots and Curiosity travel to Monrovia to conclude their competition season at the SoCal Regional Championship STEM Robotics
March 5, 2022 Mr. Witman Marlbots and Curiosity Host Scrimmage and Workshops Marlbots and Curiosity invited local teams for a morning of workshops and practice. STEM Robotics
March 4, 2022 Mr. Witman Robotics Teams Reaching Out! The Robotics Program's outreach efforts are in full swing this season. Robotics
February 20, 2022 Mr. Witman Robotics Qualifying: Marlbots & Curiosity Advance to Regional Championship All four teams participated in their qualifying tournament, racking up awards in Judged Categories STEM Robotics
February 15, 2022 Dr. Mirsky and Ms. Mino Project Invent! Project Invent students solve real world problems! STEM Engineering Entrepreneurship Coding
February 11, 2022 Mr. Witman JPL Engineer Visits Robotics Teams JPL Engineer Grace Tan Wang gives students insight into her career throughout multiple missions including Cassini, Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity, and Perseverance! STEM Robotics JPL
January 22, 2022 Dr. Kessner / Mr. Witman Robotics League A1 Meet 3 Happy New Year! Marlborough hosts Meet 3, with extra Covid precautions. Robotics
December 31, 2021 Dr. Kessner Computer Science + Dance Students in Computer Science Projects coded video projections for the All School Dance Concert (back in person!). STEM+ Coding
December 18, 2021 Dr. Kessner / Mr. Witman Robotics League A1 Meet 2 It's almost Winter Break! Marlborough hosts Meet 2! Robotics
December 5, 2021 Dr. Kessner Computer Science Education Week 2021 This year we are exploring the world of Artificial Intelligence! STEM Coding
December 4, 2021 Dr. Kessner / Mr. Witman Robotics League A1 Meet 1 Marlborough hosts the first (non-practice) robotics league meet of the season! Robotics
December 2, 2021 Dr. Kessner Creating with Math and Code Students in Pre-Calculus Honors Accelerated used math and code to create art! STEM Coding
November 13, 2021 Dr. Kessner / Mr. Witman Robotics League A1 Meet 0 Marlborough hosts the first robotics league meet of the season! Robotics
October 24, 2021 Dr. Kessner CA STEAM Symposium Dr. Kessner gave a virtual presentation on Open Educational Resources at the California STEAM Symposium" STEM
September 29, 2021 Dr. Kessner STEM+ Program Updates 2021 Lots of new things are happening this school year in the STEM+ Program! STEM Engineering Robotics Computer Science
June 12, 2021 Mr. Witman Curiosity Wins Big at Canada Cup Curiosity wins top judged award at the Canada Cup Invitational Tournament STEM Robotics Canada Cup
June 1, 2021 Dr. Hamill Engineering 2021 Recap The third year of Engineering Design & Analysis wraps up. STEM Engineering
May 23, 2021 Mr. Witman Rocketry Club Launches Rocketry Club members visit El Mirage dry lake bed for model rocketry fun STEM Rocketry El Mirage
May 19, 2021 Mr. Witman Q&A with Inventor and YouTuber Simone Giertz STEM students visited virtually with Simone Giertz; the amazing Inventor and YouTuber who created the 'Truckla' Pickup Truck!" STEM Simone Giertz
April 24, 2021 Dr. Kessner Computer Science Projects 2020-21 Locked down during a pandemic - let's code! Coding STEM+
April 24, 2021 Mr. Witman Robotics Championship Update: Marlbots & Curiosity Win Accolades Marlbots and Curiosity competed in a virtual championship tournament, racking up awards in Judged Categories STEM Robotics
April 3, 2021 Mr. Witman Robotics Qualifying Update: Marlbots & Curiosity Advance to Regional Championship All four teams participated in their remote and virtual qualifying tournaments, racking up awards in both Judged and Robot Game Categories STEM Robotics
March 23, 2021 Mr. Witman Jason Mezilis Q&A: Mars Microphone and More STEM students visited virtually with Jason Mezilis; a musician and engineer who developed a microphone on the Mars Perseverance rover. This microphone was recently used to record the sounds of Mars! STEM Robotics Jason Mezilis Perseverance
March 10, 2021 Mr. Witman Robotics Alumnae Panel Five Robotics Alumnae returned for a virtual Q&A to share their insight and experience in STEM majors, internships, and careers after Marlborough STEM Alumnae Robotics
February 25, 2021 Dr. Kessner Girl Scout Coding Workshop Students from coding club Code Violet ran a coding workshop for local Girl Scout Troop 905. STEM
February 19, 2021 Mr. Witman Robotics Competes Remotely The Marlbots remotely submitted their first official match scores of the season. STEM Robotics
February 16, 2021 Mr. Witman JPL Scientist Visits Robotics Teams JPL Scientist Kevin Hand gives students a preview of the Perseverance Rover's landing and discusses future planned missions to Europa. STEM Robotics Perseverance
February 14, 2021 Mr. Witman Robotics Reaching Out Robotics teams are taking advantage of the remote learning environment to conduct outreach in new ways. STEM Robotics
February 7, 2021 Dr. Kessner STEM Grab and Go Conference Our STEM instructors presented at the STEM Think Tank Grab and Go Conference, hosted by Harpeth Hall in Nashville. STEM
January 27, 2021 Dr. Kessner Regenerative Agriculture Students in Ms. Mino's AP Environmental Science class learned about regenerative agriculture from former Marlborough student Melissa Makous. STEM
December 15, 2020 Dr. Kessner Code + Art Project Check out these great art projects from Mr. Witman's coding students! STEM Coding
December 7, 2020 Dr. Kessner Computer Science Education Week 2020 Marlborough participates in Computer Science Education week! STEM Coding
November 13, 2020 Dr. Kessner Creating with Math and Code Students in Pre-Calculus Honors Accelerated used math and code to create art! STEM Coding
October 27, 2020 Dr. Kessner Happy Pumpkin Week! Lots of spooky activities, from last week's Project Pumpkin to this week's costumes! STEM Coding
September 21, 2020 Dr. Hamill, Dr. Kessner, Mr. Witman Welcome to the 2020-21 school year! Some words of welcome from our STEM teachers! STEM
September 18, 2020 Mr. Witman The 2020-21 Robotics Season Kicks Off! The 2020-21 Robotics season launches virtually with a brand new game; Ultimate Goal! STEM Robotics Ultimate Goal kickoff
May 8, 2020 Dr. Kessner Computer Science Projects 2019-20 Our coding students created some amazing projects this year! Coding STEM+
April 20, 2020 Mr. Witman Robotics Teams Staying Busy At Home! Even during quarantine, the robotics students are putting their skills to good use. Robotics STEM+
March 7, 2020 Dr. Kessner Robotics Teams Win Big at LA Regional Championship! Three robotics teams travel to the FTC Los Angeles Regional Championship this weekend. Robotics
March 3, 2020 Mr. Witman Robotics Teams Reaching Out! The Robotics Program's outreach efforts are in full swing this Winter. Robotics
February 13, 2020 Mr. Witman and Dr. Kessner Marlbots' robot featured on Black-ish! The Marlbots' robot Sally Ride is going to be featured on an episode of Black-ish. Robotics
January 26, 2020 Mr. Witman and Dr. Kessner Robotics Teams travel to Palmdale Marlborough robotics teams traveled to Palmdale Aerospace Academy for an elimination tournament. Robotics
January 14, 2020 Mr. Witman and Dr. Kessner Robotics Teams host League Meet 3 Marlborough robotics teams host League Meet 3, the final league meet of the season! Robotics
January 9, 2020 Dr. Kessner Computer Science + Dance Students in Computer Science Projects coded video projections for the All School Dance Concert in December. STEM+ Coding
December 11, 2019 Dr. Kessner Robotics Teams host League Meet 2 Marlborough robotics teams host League Meet 2. Robotics
December 10, 2019 Dr. Kessner Robotics Scrimmage and Sleepover The four robotics teams have a sleepover in the CEI! Robotics
December 9, 2019 Dr. Kessner STEM + Arts Gallery 2019! Students show their tech-related projects at the STEM + Arts Gallery! STEM+ Coding Robotics
December 9, 2019 Dr. Kessner APCS 2019-20: Random Drawings AP Computer Science students explored randomness in computer graphics STEM+ Coding
November 9, 2019 Grace '20 Students visit Society of Women Engineers event. Robotics Team Curiosity was invited to the SWE "Invent it. Build it." Expo. STEM+ Robotics Engineering
November 4, 2019 Dr. Kessner PCHA 2019-20: Coding Parametric Equations Math students create visual art with code! STEM+ Coding
November 1, 2019 Dr. Kessner Robotics League Meet 0 Marlborough hosts FTC League Meet 0, with all four robotics teams participating. Robotics
October 19, 2019 Dr. Kessner Students Lead Coding Workshop Coding students led a coding workshop for prospective students at the Admissions Open House. STEM+ Coding
October 4, 2019 Dr. Kessner STEM Clubs 2019-20! STEM clubs were well represented at this week's Club Fair! STEM+
September 19, 2019 Dr. Kessner Robotics 2019-20! Our four robotics teams are ready for a new season! Robotics
June 24, 2019 Dr. Kessner 2019 NCGS Conference Marlborough teachers and administrators participate in the 2019 NCGS Conference, at Westridge School in Pasadena. STEM+
June 10, 2019 Dr. Kessner Summer Coding Intensive Marlborough Summer School students are starting their summer with some coding! Coding
May 29, 2019 Dr. Kessner Second Tech Challenge 2019! The Marlborough robotics teams celebrate with the Second Tech Challenge! Robotics
May 15, 2019 Dr. Kessner 2018-19 Computer Science Projects This year's Honors Computer Science Projects class completed some amazing projects! Coding STEM+
May 2, 2019 Dr. Kessner 2019 SPARC Celebration! The SPARC Celebration 2019 showcases the talent, creativity, and passion of the collaborators, artists, researchers, entrepreneurs, roboticists, programmers, activists, and designers among us. STEM+
April 20, 2019 Dr. Kessner Marlbots win award at World Championship in Houston! The Marlbots traveled to Houston for the FTC Robotics World Championship, and won the Motivate Award! Robotics
March 22, 2019 Dr. Kessner Marlborough Matter(s) Spring Issue! The Marlborough Matter(s) student science newsletter's Spring issue - Minorities in Science! STEM
March 8, 2019 Dr. Kessner and Mr. Witman Marlbots advance to World Championships in Houston! The Marlbots competed in the FTC LA Regional Championship, and advanced to the World Championships in Houston! STEM+ Robotics
March 7, 2019 Dr. Kessner STEM student featured on podcast Senior Emma '19 spoke about her STEM activities on the Hearts of Gold podcast. STEM+ Robotics
March 4, 2019 Ms. Collier Anacapa Island Volunteer Trip Marlborough Students went on a volunteer day trip to Anacapa Island. Science STEM+
February 28, 2019 Dr. Kessner Girls Who Code visits Marlborough! A representative from Girls Who Code visited Marlborough students, introducing some new summer programs. Coding
February 25, 2019 Dr. Charles Science Olympiad Regional Finals! The Marlborough Science Olympiad team competed last weekend in the Regional Finals. Science STEM+
February 23, 2019 Ms. Banister Math Counts Competition! Students from the Middle School Math Club competed at the Math Counts competition. Math STEM+
February 23, 2019 Dr. Kessner Marlbots Teach Coding! The Marlbots hosted the first of four coding workshops in collaboration with the CoachArt organization. Coding STEM+
February 19, 2019 Dr. Kessner Google Field Trip Students went on a field trip to Google's Venice campus. Coding STEM+
February 14, 2019 Dr. Kessner Summer Coding Intensive Marlborough Summer School will be offering a Summer Coding Intensive in June. Coding
February 9, 2019 Dr. Kessner and Mr. Witman Robotics Inter-League Tournament All four robotics teams competed at the Inter League Tournament at Monrovia High School. Robotics
January 25, 2019 Dr. Kessner Robo Camp 2019 Our enthusiastic robotics teams spent Friday night working on and playing with robots! Robotics
January 19, 2019 Dr. Kessner UCLA Coding Workshop UCLA students taught girls web development at a Saturday coding workshop. Coding
January 14, 2019 Dr. Kessner Pushing Perspectives: STEM in college Alumna Maddy Gaw '15 shared her wisdom about studying STEM fields in college. STEM
January 12, 2019 Dr. Kessner Robotics League Meet 3 The Marlborough robotics teams hosted League Meet 3. Robotics
December 20, 2018 Mr. Witman Coding and Art History Team Up Coding students recreate classic abstract artists with the help of Art History STEM Coding Art Art History
December 18, 2018 Dr. Kessner Dance concert video projections Computer science and the performing arts come together at this year's All School Dance Concert. STEM+ Coding
December 17, 2018 Dr. Kessner FTC Robotics Update Marlborough robotics teams hard work this semester is paying off! Robotics
December 5, 2018 Dr. Kessner Lots of upcoming STEM events! The Student STEM Committee has a lot of fun STEM activities planned for the end of the semester! STEM
December 4, 2018 Dr. Kessner VR Workshop The Student STEM Committee hosted a Virtual Reality workshop. Coding
December 1, 2018 Dr. Kessner Robotics league meet Marlborough hosted Meet 1 for our FTC league. Robotics
November 30, 2018 Dr. Kessner STEM + Arts Gallery! Students showed their technology-related projects at our annual STEM + Arts Gallery. STEM
November 7, 2018 Dr. Kessner Marlborough Matter(s) Fall Issue! The Marlborough Matter(s) student science newsletter's Fall issue! STEM
November 3, 2018 Dr. Kessner Robotics league meet Marlborough hosted Meet 0 for our FTC league. Robotics
November 1, 2018 Dr. Kessner Robotics teams hard at work The Marlborough robotics teams are busy preparing for their first league meet. Robotics
October 29, 2018 Dr. Kessner PCHA: Coding Parametric Equations Math students creating visual art with code! STEM+ Coding
October 24, 2018 Dr. Kessner AP Computer Science: Drawing and Animating with Code A peek at what students are doing this week in AP Computer Science. Coding
October 11, 2018 Dr. Kessner Student STEM Committee launches! The Student STEM Committee is planning a variety of STEM-related activities for Marlborough students this year. STEM
September 13, 2018 Dr. Kessner Women in Computer Science While we're making strides to bring more women into computer science, there is still a lot of room for improvement. STEM Article
September 8, 2018 Mr. Witman The 2018-19 Robotics Season Kicks Off! The 2018-19 Robotics season launches with a brand new game; Rover Ruckus! STEM Robotics Field Trip kickoff
May 8, 2018 Dr. Kessner Article on Computer Science Education Dr. Kessner recently authored an article on the current state of computer science education. Coding
May 1, 2018 Mr. Witman Field Trip to RoMeLa Robotics Lab Team Curiosity visits the RoMeLa lab at UCLA to get a first hand look at some of the world's most advanced robots. STEM Robotics Field Trip UCLA
April 25, 2018 Mr. Witman Students Attend Netflix's Women In Tech Event Marlborough coding students attended Netflix's Women in Tech event to hear what goes on behind the scenes at the popular streaming service. STEM Robotics
April 25, 2018 Dr. Kessner Marlborough Matters(s) Spring Issue The Marlborough Matter(s) Spring issue is available! STEM Science
April 9, 2018 Dr. Kessner Field trip to Google The Student STEM Committee organized a field trip to Google in Venice, CA. STEM Coding
March 9, 2018 Mr. Witman and Dr. Kessner The Marlbots at FTC West Super Regionals! The Marlbots traveled to Spokane, Washington to compete at the FTC West Super-Regionals! STEM Robotics
March 3, 2018 Mr. Witman The Marlbots Teach Coding to CoachArt Students The Marlbots team up with CoachArt to share their knowledge of coding with students facing chronic illness. STEM Robotics
February 24, 2018 Mr. Witman and Dr. Kessner Marlborough Robotics Teams at LA Regional Championship Two Marlborough Robotics teams compete at the FTC LA Regional Championship in Monrovia. STEM Robotics
February 17, 2018 Mr. Witman and Dr. Kessner Marlborough Robotics Teams at Inter-League Tournament All three Marlborough Robotics teams competed in the FIRST FTC InterLeague Tournament in Palmdale. STEM Robotics
February 10, 2018 Dr. Kessner UCLA Coding Workshops Marlborough hosted a series of web development workshops led by UCLA computer science students. Coding
February 3, 2018 Mr. Witman Team Curiosity Visits Two-Bit-Circus Team Curiosity teams up with Two Bit Circus to explore robot materials and gain inspiration for future projects. Robotics STEM+ Coding
January 29, 2018 Mr. Witman Marlborough Robotics Update The fourth and final Robotics Meet at Marlborough was a big success, with 16 local teams competing for qualifying points. Robotics STEM+
January 22, 2018 Dr. Kessner Field trip to Body Worlds The Student STEM Committee organized a weekend field trip to the California Science Center to see the Body Worlds exhibit and the Space Shuttle Endeavor. STEM
December 7, 2017 Dr. Kessner Computer science field trip to New Reality Co. Computer science students went on a field trip to virtual reality (VR) production company New Reality Co. Coding STEM+
December 7, 2017 Emma LA Times: The Gender Gap in STEM An article from the LA Times on the gender gap in STEM fields. Article STEM Gender Gap
November 30, 2017 Nell What is the Student STEM Committee? Marlborough has a new Student STEM Committee this year, to organize and promote STEM activities on campus. On Campus STEM+
November 30, 2017 Dr. Kessner STEM + Arts Gallery 2017 Students presented their creative technology projects at the STEM + Arts Gallery. On Campus STEM+
November 28, 2017 Emilynne STEM, now in Spanish AP Spanish students researched and presented topics in science and technology. On Campus STEM+
November 2, 2017 Dr. Kessner Article: Where are all the STEM jobs? This article from the NY Times discusses job prospects in STEM fields, illustrating the important fact that not all STEM fields have the same job opportunities. Article STEM
October 20, 2017 Dr. Kessner Math and coding PreCalculus Honors Accelerated (PCHA) students spent a week in the SPARC to learn the basics of coding in Python. On Campus Math Coding
September 14, 2017 Dr. Kessner New School Year 2017-18! Some thoughts for the 2017-18 school year. On Campus STEM+