Mr. Witman and Dr. Kessner
The Marlbots at FTC West Super Regionals!

This weekend the Marlbots (3526) competed in the FTC Robotics West Super Regional Championship. This tournament draws the top 72 teams from thirteen western states and represents about the top 6% of teams in that region. The team represented themselves and the school extremely well, with their robot performing successfully in all nine of their qualification matches. They fought through a very tough division and challenging matchups to a 2-7 record in qualifying rounds. Despite this,The Marlbots can be proud of the following accomplishments: The Marlbots earned the highest Ranking Points of any team at the competition (this is a metric that indicates point scoring ability and difficulty of schedule) Their robot had the second highest average score for the “endgame” period of the competition in their division. They had the 17th highest Offensive Power Ranking out of the 72 teams (this is a metric that indicates point scoring ability)