Mr. Witman
The 2018-19 Robotics Season Kicks Off!

Kickoff in Monrovia
This Saturday representatives from all FOUR Marlborough Robotics teams headed to Monrovia High School to witness the ‘launch’ of this season’s new game; Rover Ruckus. The auditorium at Monrovia was packed as hundreds of robotics students from around Southern California eagerly awaited the national release of the game video. The space themed game features robots departing their ‘lander,’ planting a marker to claim a ‘depot’, and collecting gold and silver ‘minerals’.
Marlborough students saw the new playing field first hand, then participated in a series of workshops about different aspects of the FIRST Tech Challenge. These ranged from advanced coding techniques to tips for awards and judging.
This week students in the robotics classes will start analyzing the game and developing their robot concepts. They will need to move quickly to prepare for the first League meet on November 3rd. Check out the full season schedule below!
Season Schedule
Marlborough League Meets in the CEI: These will feature 14 teams from around Los Angeles, including the four Marlborough teams.
- November 3rd (afternoon)
- December 1st (afternoon)
- December 15th (morning)
- January 12th (afternoon)
InterLeague Tournament at Monrovia High School: This tournament will combine teams from our League and Monrovia, and will determine advancement to the Regional Championship.
- February 9th (all day)
Regional Championship at Monrovia High school: This tournament will feature the top 48 teams from the SoCal region, and will determine advancement to the World Championship in Houston.
- March 9th (all day)