Mr. Witman
The 2020-21 Robotics Season Kicks Off!

Virtual Kickoff
This Saturday representatives from all four of Marlborough’s FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics teams got together on Zoom to watch the virtual ‘launch’ of this season’s new game; Ultimate Goal. This exciting sports themed game requires robots to launch rings in goals, knock over “power shots”, and manipulate a “wobble goal” that can be scored in a drop zone outside of the field.
On Sunday, the teams virtually joined students from around the region on Discord to hear presentations from experts in competitive robotics. The workshop topics included Materials Science, Computer Aided Design, Java Programming and more!
This week students in the robotics classes analyzed the game, developed strategies, and will start exploring robot concepts. Check out more info about the season below!
Remote Tournaments
Due the ongoing situation with COVID-19, this year the teams in our region will compete “remotely” at their home fields. Rather than play on a field with four robots, teams will instead compete solo and submit their scores for ranking. Judging for awards will also take place via Zoom. Due to physical distancing requirements, our teams will be heavily relying on Computer Aided Design (CAD) software to develop their robots.
Season Schedule
Remote Scrimmages: Between November and January, there will be 3 remote scrimmages that will feature teams from around the region. These will give our teams deadlines for constructing each iteration of their robot.
Remote Qualifying Tournament: In February, our teams will compete remotely with about 30 teams from around the region. It will include the robot game and virtual judging, and will determine advancement to the Regional Championship.
Regional Championship: In April, the top 48 teams from the SoCal region will compete in either a remote or hybrid formate to determine advancement to the World Championship in Houston.