Robotics Teams host League Meet 3

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It is an exciting time in robotics, with all four teams busy preparing for tournaments on consecutive weekends.

On Saturday January 18th, Marlborough will host the final League Meet in the CEI from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. In this meet teams will each play five qualifying rounds to accumulate points to carry with them to the elimination tournaments. The event is open to the public and all are welcome to attend! The best time to observe matches is between 9:00 and 11:00 am.

On Sunday January 26th, we will travel to Palmdale Aerospace Academy for an all day InterLeague tournament. In this event, teams will compete for judged awards, participate in qualifying matches, and eventually compete in an elimination bracket to try to earn advancement to the Regional Championship.

The Marlborough teams are in a great position to qualify for the elimination rounds. Heading into Meet 3, their league rankings are as follows:

To follow along at home, check out the January 18th Meet 3 scores updated live at

Live stream
