Ms. Crowley and Mr. Witman
Curiosity Robotics World Championship Update

Over the past week, over 50,000 attendees from more than 50 countries gathered in Houston for an epic celebration of Robotics and STEM education. This included 224 of the top FIRST Tech Challenge Teams representing dozens of countries and nearly every state.
We are proud to announce that Curiosity is taking home First Place in the prestigious “Think” Award in their Division! This judged award is given to the team that best reflects the journey the team took as they experienced the engineering design process during the build season. Our students have spent all year meticulously documenting their process through the design and build stage of the team’s robot in their truly impressive portfolio.
Curiosity was once again a popular team all week, with countless visitors stopping by their pit, including the CEO of FTC, the FIRST Marketing Team, and Estefannie, a prominent STEM content creator and host of Mark Rober’s Revengineer’s show on MAX (HBO), to create an Instagram and TikTok video centered around the theme of career development, specifically highlighting how FIRST empowers young girls to pursue STEM. Our students showed Estefannie how their robot works, described their design process, and even let her drive it for her video and pictures!
Judges awarded Ramya K ‘25 a special gracious professionalism pin for helping another team whose robot wasn’t functional. This team was only able to drive on the field and compete because Ramya spent part of a lunch fixing their code.
Most importantly, the team embraced the ‘live for the moment’ philosophy and celebrated their time together. They supported one another and stayed positive in what was a grueling tournament with early mornings, long days, and high stress matches. We couldn’t be prouder of their efforts; we gained a lot of good memories and a solid foundation for our students to build on for next year.
This officially concludes our competition season. We’d like to share immense gratitude to the whole Marlborough community for supporting the program and Curiosity throughout the year.