Computer Science Projects 2022-23

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This year’s student projects are written in a variety of computer programming languages: Processing, Java, Python, HTML/CSS/Javascript.

The projects include video games, computer graphics simulations, data visualization, and web development.


Dr. Kessner

Honors Computer Science Projects

Emma ‘25
3D tic-tac-toe

Emma ‘25 and Riley ‘25
3D depth sensor game

Riley ‘25
Visual novel

Katie ‘23
Adventure game
Project website

Leela ‘23
3D video game

Max ‘23
3D parametric surfaces

Melodie ‘24
taMAPLEgotchi Simulator
Project website

Shaye ‘25
World carbon clock website
Project website

Wyeth ‘24
LA Food Policy Council searchable resources
Project website

AP Computer Science

Alene ‘26

Allie ‘24
Snake game

Ava ‘25
SpongeBob-themed video game

Chase ‘23
Geometry Dodge

Chloe ‘24
Fruit ninja

Crystal ‘25

Eloise ‘25
Bird Brawl

Kailyn ‘25
Pac Man

Logan ‘26
Hunt for Stars

Madeleine ‘26
Flavor Frenzy

Ramya ‘26
Brick Breaker

Riley Y ‘25

Sarah ‘26
Scorching Sprint